Color Center
Your one-stop destination for all things color! Explore our full range of color options using our interactive Colour Chart or bring your vision to life with our cutting-edge Colour Visualizer. Discover the perfect color for your next project today!

Colour visualizer
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Colour chart
Find the perfect colour for your project with ease! Our Colour Chart lets you browse our full selection of steel finishes, and when you select a color, you'll see real-world examples of how it's used on actual projects. Start exploring and find your ideal color today!
Classic Colours
Wrinkle / Exotic / Wood Colours
Colours may not appear exactly as shown above and may vary slightly. Colour, Gauge, and Profile availability are shown in our Catalogue. Please confirm colour availability prior to either Specifying, Estimating or Ordering. Final colour selection should be made from a steel colour sample.Upcharge in price is applicable for Wrinkle, Exotic, and Wood Grain Colours please inquire. Colour selection may vary by branch location. Cool Paint Coating ratings can change with product improvements from the supplier. Check Westman’s website for current or updated SRI values. SRI values should be within a range for similar colours and not based on a single value number.